Amritansh Foundation

Throughout a series of meetings with various farmers belonging to Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh; Theog, Himachal Pradesh; and Sekhawati, Rajasthan; we discussed on diverse prospects of organic inputs, farming practices, and pest control/management techniques. These gatherings provided a platform for open discussions, where farmers shared their experiences and challenges, paving the way for collective problem-solving and mutual support.

Key Highlights:

  • Exploring Organic Solutions: Together, we explored the wide array of organic inputs and farming methods available, discussing their benefits and practical applications in sustainable agriculture.
  • Insights and Experiences: Farmers shared their firsthand experiences with various organic practices and pest management strategies, offering valuable insights into what works best in different contexts.
  • Identifying Challenges: Through open dialogue, we identified common challenges faced by farmers, ranging from resource constraints to pest outbreaks, and brainstormed potential solutions.
  • Community Support: The meetings fostered a sense of community and collaboration, with participants offering assistance and guidance to one another, reinforcing the spirit of solidarity within the farming community.

Moving forward, we are committed to continuing these discussions and fostering a supportive environment where farmers can learn from each other, exchange ideas, and collectively overcome challenges.

Our work focuses on harnessing the nutritional richness of vermicompost to enhance soil fertility and support the growth of healthy, nutrient-rich crops. In our nutritional content analysis of vermicompost, we have discovered a wealth of essential nutrients essential for plant growth and vitality. Our findings reveal that vermicompost is a potent source of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and micronutrients such as iron, zinc, and manganese. These nutrients are present in a balanced and readily available form, ensuring optimal absorption by plants and contributing to improved soil health.

Furthermore, our research indicates that vermicompost is rich in organic matter and beneficial microorganisms, which play pivotal roles in enhancing soil structure, moisture retention, and nutrient cycling. The presence of humic substances and enzymes in vermicompost further enhances its ability to stimulate root development, improve nutrient uptake, and boost plant resilience to environmental stressors.

We continue to work on vermicomposting as a sustainable solution for organic agriculture, we are dedicated to sharing our findings and best practices with farmers and agricultural communities. By incorporating vermicompost into farming systems, we aim to promote soil health, reduce reliance on synthetic fertilizers and chemical inputs, and foster a more resilient and regenerative approach to agriculture.

Through our ongoing efforts in vermicomposting and nutritional content analysis, we are committed to empowering farmers to cultivate nutritious, environmentally sustainable crops while safeguarding the health of our planet for future generations.

Training on farm composting was a transformative experience, aimed at equipping farmers with the knowledge and skills on composting for sustainable agriculture. This hands-on workshop provided practical guidance on turning organic waste into nutrient-rich compost, fostering soil health, and promoting environmental sustainability.

Key Highlights:

  • Practical Techniques: Participants learned step-by-step methods for setting up and managing compost piles on their farms, from selecting suitable materials to achieving optimal decomposition.
  • Understanding Compost Biology: The training delved into the science behind composting, exploring the role of microorganisms, temperature, and moisture in the composting process, empowering farmers to troubleshoot and optimize their compost piles.
  • Resource Utilization: Farmers gained insights into utilizing locally available materials for composting, maximizing resource efficiency, and minimizing waste generation on their farms.
  • Benefits of Compost: Through case studies and demonstrations, participants discovered the myriad benefits of compost for soil fertility, plant nutrition, and pest management, illustrating the value of incorporating composting into their farming practices.
  • Hands-On Experience: The training included practical demonstrations and hands-on activities, allowing farmers to actively engage in composting techniques and gain confidence in implementing them on their own farms.

Empowering Farmers: By providing farmers with the knowledge and tools to implement farm composting practices, we are empowering them to adopt sustainable agricultural practices, improve soil health, and enhance crop productivity. Together, we are building a greener, more resilient future for farming communities.

Vermiculture, the practice of utilizing earthworms to process organic waste, encompasses a range of innovative techniques that contribute to sustainable waste management and environmental conservation. One such technique, vermifiltration, stands out as a powerful tool for treating wastewater and mitigating environmental pollution.

Vermifiltration involves passing wastewater through a bed of earthworms and organic matter, where the earthworms actively consume and digest organic pollutants, pathogens, and excess nutrients present in the water. As the wastewater percolates through the vermifilter bed, it undergoes biological and physical transformations facilitated by the earthworms and microbial communities associated with their digestive tracts. These transformations result in the removal and transformation of contaminants, leading to the production of treated water that is cleaner and safer for discharge or reuse.

The benefits of vermifiltration extend beyond wastewater treatment, encompassing environmental remediation, resource recovery, and ecosystem restoration. By harnessing the natural filtration capabilities of earthworms and their symbiotic microbial partners, vermifiltration offers a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional wastewater treatment methods. Additionally, vermifiltration promotes soil health and fertility, as the treated wastewater can be used to irrigate agricultural lands, providing valuable nutrients and organic matter to support plant growth.

At Amritansh Foundation, we are actively exploring the potential of vermifiltration to address water pollution challenges and promote sustainable water management practices. Through research, demonstration projects, and community outreach initiatives, we are working to raise awareness about the benefits of vermifiltration and empower communities to implement this technology in their local contexts. By integrating vermifiltration into holistic wastewater management strategies, we aim to contribute to a cleaner environment, healthier ecosystems, and enhanced water security for present and future generations.


  1. Compost: Choose high-quality compost made from a diverse range of organic materials, such as kitchen scraps, yard waste, and agricultural residues.
  2. Water: Use clean, non-chlorinated water to avoid harming beneficial microorganisms.
  3. Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Amla is rich in vitamins and minerals, providing additional nutrients to the Shadras mixture.
  4. Buttermilk: Buttermilk contains beneficial bacteria that contribute to the fermentation process and enhance microbial activity in the Shadras.
  5. Gaumutra (Cow Urine): Gaumutra is revered in traditional farming practices for its medicinal properties and microbial benefits.


  1. Start by filling a container or barrel with water, leaving some space at the top for agitation.
  2. Add approximately 1 part compost to 5 parts water. Adjust the ratio as needed based on the concentration desired.
  3. Chop the Amla into small pieces and add them to the water and compost mixture.
  4. Pour in an equal amount of buttermilk and gaumutra to the compost tea ratio into the mixture. Buttermilk provides beneficial bacteria, while gaumutra adds additional nutrients and microbial benefits.
  5. Stir the mixture thoroughly to ensure that all ingredients are well-mixed and evenly distributed.
  6. Cover the container with a breathable cloth or lid with ventilation holes to allow for aeration.
  7. Allow the mixture to ferment for 24-48 hours, stirring occasionally to promote oxygenation and microbial activity.
  8. Once fermentation is complete, strain the liquid through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove any solid particles and pieces of Amla.
  9. Dilute the Shadras concentrate with water before application, using a ratio of approximately 1 part Shadras to 10 parts water.


  1. Enhances Soil Fertility: The combination of compost, Amla, buttermilk, and gaumutra enriches the Shadras with essential nutrients, organic matter, and beneficial microorganisms, improving soil fertility and structure.
  2. Stimulates Plant Growth: Shadras promotes robust root development, enhances nutrient absorption, and supports healthy plant growth, resulting in higher yields and improved crop quality.
  3. Balances Soil Microbiome: The microbial activity stimulated by buttermilk, gaumutra, and compost fosters a diverse and balanced soil microbiome, contributing to disease suppression and nutrient cycling.
  4. Medicinal Properties: Gaumutra is known for its medicinal properties, including antimicrobial and antifungal effects, which can help suppress soil-borne diseases and promote plant health.

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly: Shadras enriched with Amla, buttermilk, and gaumutra offers a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic fertilizers, reducing chemical inputs, minimizing nutrient runoff, and promoting soil health and fertility.


  1. Cow Dung: As a cornerstone of Jeevamruth, cow dung serves as a rich source of beneficial microorganisms and organic matter. Widely available in rural areas, cow dung provides essential nutrients and microbial diversity crucial for soil fertility and plant growth.
  2. Cow Urine (Gaumutra): Gaumutra is revered in Indian agriculture for its medicinal properties and microbial benefits. Its inclusion in Jeevamruth enriches the microbial diversity and nutrient content of the inoculant, enhancing its effectiveness in promoting soil health and plant vigor.
  3. Jaggery (Gur): Jaggery acts as a natural source of sugar, providing energy for microbial fermentation. Its presence in Jeevamruth stimulates microbial activity, facilitating the breakdown of organic matter and nutrient cycling in the soil.
  4. Gram Flour (Besan): Gram flour, derived from chickpeas, adds protein and essential nutrients to Jeevamruth. Its inclusion enhances the nutritional profile of the inoculant, promoting microbial growth and soil fertility.
  5. Water: Clean, non-chlorinated water is used to dilute the Jeevamruth mixture to the desired concentration for application. It serves as a carrier for the beneficial microorganisms and nutrients present in the inoculant.


  1. Combine cow dung, cow urine, jaggery, and gram flour in a suitable container or pit.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly to ensure even distribution and incorporation.
  3. Add water to the mixture to achieve the desired consistency, resembling a slurry or thin paste.
  4. Allow the mixture to ferment for a period of 3 to 5 days, depending on ambient temperature and microbial activity.
  5. Stir the mixture periodically to promote oxygenation and microbial growth.
  6. Once fermentation is complete, the Jeevamruth is ready for application to the soil or plants.


  1. Enhances Soil Fertility: Jeevamruth enriches the soil with beneficial microorganisms, organic matter, and essential nutrients, promoting soil health and fertility.
  2. Promotes Plant Growth: The microbial activity stimulated by Jeevamruth improves nutrient availability, root development, and overall plant vigor, leading to higher yields and improved crop quality.
  3. Suppresses Diseases: The diverse microbial community in Jeevamruth helps suppress soil-borne diseases and pathogens, reducing the need for chemical interventions and promoting plant resilience.
  4. Sustainable and Cost-Effective: Jeevamruth utilizes locally available materials and traditional knowledge, making it a sustainable and cost-effective solution for smallholder farmers and rural communities.
  5. Fosters Ecological Resilience: By promoting soil biodiversity and ecological balance, Jeevamruth contributes to the resilience of agroecosystems, mitigating environmental degradation and climate-related risks.


  1. Neem (Azadirachta indica): Neem, revered as the “Village Pharmacy” in Indian culture, forms the cornerstone of Herbal Spray. Its potent insecticidal and antifungal properties make it a natural deterrent against a wide range of pests and diseases.
  2. Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum): Tulsi, or Holy Basil, is esteemed for its medicinal value and pest-repellent qualities. Rich in essential oils and antioxidants, Tulsi enhances plant resilience and inhibits the growth of harmful pathogens.
  3. Dhatura (Datura stramonium): Dhatura, although potent, is used judiciously in Herbal Spray formulations for its insecticidal properties. Its alkaloids act as natural pesticides, deterring pests while minimizing adverse effects on beneficial insects.
  4. Ginger and Garlic: Ginger and garlic, commonly found in Indian kitchens, add an aromatic punch to Herbal Spray formulations. Their antimicrobial and insect-repelling properties provide additional protection against pests and diseases.
  5. Cow Urine (Gaumutra): Gaumutra, revered in Indian culture for its purifying and medicinal properties, enhances the efficacy of Herbal Spray. Its microbial benefits support plant health and disease resistance.


  1. Gather the desired herbs and plant materials, ensuring they are fresh and free from contamination.
  2. Chop or crush the herbs and plant materials to release their active compounds and essential oils.
  3. Combine the chopped ingredients in a container or vessel, adding cow urine as a carrier and preservative.
  4. Allow the mixture to steep for a period of 24 to 48 hours, ensuring thorough extraction of bioactive compounds.
  5. Strain the mixture to remove solid particles, yielding a potent herbal extract ready for application.


  1. Dilute the herbal extract with water to achieve the desired concentration, typically 1-2% for foliar spray applications.
  2. Use a handheld sprayer or backpack sprayer to apply the Herbal Spray evenly to the foliage and stems of crops.
  3. Apply the spray during the early morning or late afternoon to minimize stress on plants and maximize absorption of herbal compounds.


  1. Natural Pest and Disease Control: Herbal Spray harnesses the inherent pesticidal and antimicrobial properties of botanical ingredients to manage pests and diseases effectively.
  2. Safe and Environmentally Friendly: Free from synthetic chemicals and harmful residues, Herbal Spray is safe for farmers, consumers, and the environment, promoting ecological balance and biodiversity.
  3. Enhanced Plant Health: The bioactive compounds in Herbal Spray stimulate plant defenses, improve nutrient uptake, and promote overall plant health and vitality.
  4. Cost-Effective Solution: Herbal Spray utilizes locally available herbs and plant materials, making it a cost-effective alternative to synthetic pesticides and chemical inputs.

Cultural Heritage and Tradition: Grounded in Ayurveda and traditional knowledge, Herbal Spray embodies the cultural heritage and agricultural wisdom of India, fostering a deep connection between people and the land.

Production Process:

  1. Earthworm Castings: Vermiwash begins with the humble earthworm, nature’s tireless workers, diligently transforming organic matter into nutrient-rich castings. These castings, teeming with beneficial microorganisms and enzymes, form the foundation of Vermiwash production.
  2. Vermicompost Tea: The earthworm castings are steeped in water, initiating a process of bioleaching where the nutrients and beneficial microorganisms are extracted into the liquid medium. This nutrient-rich solution, known as vermicompost tea, serves as the precursor to Vermiwash.
  3. Microbial Activation: To enhance the efficacy of Vermiwash, microbial activators such as jaggery (sugarcane molasses) or cow urine may be added. These ingredients stimulate microbial growth and activity, enriching the Vermiwash with additional beneficial microorganisms and bioactive compounds.
  4. Fermentation and Maturation: The Vermiwash solution undergoes a period of fermentation and maturation, typically lasting 24 to 48 hours. During this time, microbial populations multiply and metabolic processes occur, further enriching the solution with nutrients and beneficial metabolites.
  5. Straining and Dilution: Once fermentation is complete, the Vermiwash solution is strained to remove any solid particles or sediment, yielding a clear, nutrient-rich liquid. Before application, the Vermiwash is diluted with water to the desired concentration, typically ranging from 5% to 10% for foliar spray or soil drench applications.


  1. Soil Health Enhancement: Vermiwash is a powerhouse of nutrients, enzymes, and beneficial microorganisms that nourish the soil and stimulate microbial activity. Its application promotes soil fertility, improves soil structure, and enhances nutrient cycling, leading to healthier, more resilient soils.
  2. Plant Growth Promotion: The bioactive compounds present in Vermiwash stimulate root growth, increase nutrient uptake, and enhance plant vigor and resilience. Regular application of Vermiwash results in stronger, more robust plants with increased resistance to pests, diseases, and environmental stressors.
  3. Natural Pest and Disease Management: Vermiwash contains natural compounds and metabolites that repel pests and inhibit the growth of pathogens, reducing the incidence of pest infestations and plant diseases. Its use as a foliar spray or soil drench contributes to integrated pest management strategies, minimizing the need for chemical pesticides.
  4. Environmental Sustainability: Vermiwash is a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to synthetic fertilizers and chemical inputs. By harnessing the power of earthworms and beneficial microorganisms, Vermiwash supports regenerative agricultural practices that conserve natural resources, protect biodiversity, and promote ecological balance.

Cost-Effective Solution: Vermiwash production utilizes locally available materials and low-cost inputs, making it a cost-effective solution for smallholder farmers and rural communities. Its adoption reduces dependency on expensive chemical fertilizers and inputs, improving farm profitability and livelihood resilience.

We conducted training sessions focused on on-farm organic input production. These sessions are designed to equip farmers with practical skills and knowledge to create their own organic inputs right on their farms, promoting sustainable agriculture and self-reliance. Through interactive sessions and hands-on demonstrations, we guided farmers through the process of producing nutrient-rich organic inputs using locally available materials and traditional methods.

Training Highlights:

  • Using Farm Resources: To utilize resources readily available on their farms, such as leftover plant material, cow dung, and other natural substances, to create organic inputs. This approach promotes resource efficiency and reduces dependence on external inputs.
  • Practical Techniques: Farmers learn practical techniques for producing organic inputs such as compost, vermicompost, herbal sprays, and biofertilizers using farm resources. These techniques are tailored to the specific needs and resources available to each farmer.
  • Understanding the Science: We worked on science behind organic input production, explaining the role of beneficial microorganisms, nutrients, and organic matter in enhancing soil health and promoting plant growth.
  • Hands-On Learning: Participants engage in hands-on activities, from compost pile management to vermicompost setup, gaining firsthand experience in producing organic inputs effectively.
  • Problem-Solving: We address common challenges faced by farmers in organic input production and provide solutions tailored to their specific farming contexts, fostering confidence and resilience.
  • Environmental Stewardship: Farmers learned about the environmental benefits of organic farming practices, including reduced chemical usage, improved soil fertility, and enhanced biodiversity.

Together, we are building a community of empowered farmers committed to promoting environmental stewardship and food security for generations to come.

Through practical workshops and immersive experiences, participants were empowered with the principles and practices of regenerative soil management, along with skills to cultivate thriving ecosystems.

Program Highlights:

  1. Understanding Soil Health: Participants gain a comprehensive understanding of soil biology, chemistry, and physics. They learn how healthy soils are the foundation of resilient ecosystems and productive farms.
  2. Regenerative Techniques: From cover cropping and crop rotation to no-till farming and composting, participants explore a range of regenerative techniques designed to enhance soil structure, fertility, and biodiversity. Hands-on demonstrations allow them to witness these techniques in action.
  3. Soil Monitoring and Assessment: Participants learned how to assess soil health using simple yet effective techniques, such as soil sampling and analysis. They discovered how to interpret soil test results and tailor management practices to optimize soil fertility and productivity.
  4. Carbon Sequestration and Climate Resilience: The training program highlighted the critical role of soils in carbon sequestration and climate resilience. Participants explored how regenerative soil management practices can mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon in the soil.

Farm Integration: Throughout the program, participants discovered practical strategies for integrating regenerative soil management practices into their farming operations. They explored real-life case studies and engage in group discussions to identify opportunities and overcome challenges.

In training and workshop session on water conservation, we emphasized critical importance of preserving our most precious resource. This interactive program provided participants with practical strategies and innovative techniques to effectively manage and conserve water resources in agricultural and rural settings.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understanding Water Conservation: Participants deepened their understanding of the significance of water conservation in agriculture and rural communities. We explored the challenges posed by water scarcity and discussed strategies for mitigating its impact through sustainable water management practices.
  2. Practical Techniques: Through hands-on demonstrations and interactive sessions, participants learned a range of practical techniques for water conservation, including drip irrigation, rainwater harvesting, soil moisture monitoring, and crop water management. These techniques are designed to optimize water use and minimize waste.
  3. Farm Water Audits: Participants gained insights into conducting farm water audits to assess water usage and identify opportunities for improvement. By tracking water consumption and implementing water-saving measures, farmers can optimize irrigation practices and enhance water efficiency on their farms.

Community Engagement: The workshop emphasized the importance of community engagement in water conservation efforts. Participants explored strategies for raising awareness about water conservation, fostering community involvement, and promoting water-saving behaviors among farmers and rural residents.

In our initiative to address environmental challenges and promote sustainability, we have implemented bioremediation and wastewater recycling techniques to transform waste into a valuable resource. Through this innovative approach, we aim to mitigate pollution, conserve water, and contribute to a cleaner, healthier environment.

Key Initiatives:

  1. Pollution Cleanup: Our bioremediation projects target contaminated sites, such as industrial facilities, agricultural lands, and water bodies, where pollutants pose risks to human health and the environment. By harnessing the natural degradation capabilities of microorganisms, we facilitate the cleanup of pollutants, restoring ecosystems and improving water quality.
  2. Wastewater Treatment: Through wastewater recycling initiatives, we implement advanced treatment processes to purify wastewater and remove harmful contaminants. Treated wastewater is then reused for irrigation, industrial processes, and other non-potable applications, reducing the demand for freshwater and minimizing the discharge of pollutants into natural water bodies.
  3. Community Engagement: We engage with local communities, stakeholders, and authorities to raise awareness about the importance of bioremediation and wastewater recycling. 


  • Environmental Protection: Bioremediation and wastewater recycling contribute to the protection and restoration of natural ecosystems, reducing pollution and preserving biodiversity.
  • Water Conservation: By recycling wastewater, we conserve freshwater resources and alleviate water scarcity, especially in water-stressed regions.

Sustainable Development: Our initiatives support the principles of sustainable development by promoting responsible resource management and reducing the environmental footprint of human activities.

Waste to Energy 

Environmental Parks Waste Composting Rambagh Golf Course

Household waste water recycling system

Zero Waste-Campus

Plantation Drive 

Hostel Food Waste Composting

In an attempt to tackle food waste at the Educational Institutions, we’ve implemented a vermicomposting program as part of our commitment to sustainability and waste reduction. This initiative allows us to manage food waste generated within the hostel premises effectively. We collect food scraps, leftovers, and other organic materials separately, diverting them from landfills. These materials are then introduced into specialized vermicomposting bins or systems, where earthworms work their magic. These remarkable creatures consume the organic waste, breaking it down into nutrient-rich compost through their natural digestive process. Over time, this compost becomes a valuable resource known as vermicompost, which is dark, crumbly, and teeming with essential nutrients and beneficial microorganisms. 

Further this compost is utilized to enrich the soil in the campus gardens, landscapes, and nearby agricultural areas, promoting healthy plant growth and soil fertility. Beyond its environmental benefits, our vermicomposting program also serves as an educational opportunity for the hostel residents to learn about waste reduction, composting, and environmental stewardship. By engaging the community in this sustainable practice, we foster a sense of collective responsibility and contribute to creating a greener, more sustainable future for all.

A sensitization workshop focused on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles was carried out in various educational instituitons. The workshop aimed to raise awareness and understanding among participants about the importance of aligning organizational strategies and practices with global sustainability objectives. Throughout the workshop, participants were introduced to the seventeen SDGs, which address a wide range of social, economic, and environmental challenges facing our world today. We explored how educational institutions can contribute to the achievement of these goals through their operations, policies, and initiatives. Additionally concept of ESG (Environment, Social & Governance) which encompasses environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and corporate governance practices. Participants gained insights into how integrating ESG considerations into business decision-making processes can drive long-term value creation, mitigate risks, and enhance stakeholder trust and confidence. 

Through interactive discussions, case studies, and practical exercises, participants were equipped with the knowledge and tools to integrate SDG and ESG principles into their organizational strategies and practices. By fostering a deeper understanding of sustainability issues and the role of educational institutes in addressing them, the workshop empowered participants to become agents of positive change within their respective organizations and communities.

Organic Farming Educational Course-Higher Education


Sustainable Environment Education Program (Inspired by Mission Life)

Carrier orientation workshops for all streams of students on Green Jobs

Mentoring to entrepreneurs/startups in environment & agriculture

Animal Waste -Cow Urine based  Products

Gonayl Production 

Animal Waste Dhupbati    

Waste to Value-Fuel Briquette  

Farmers Training Program on Water  Botanical Plant Extract 


Hamari Pehal-Skilling/Craft Center

“SUI-DAAGA” a free stitching training center