Amritansh Foundation

We are delighted to share the success of our Tree Plantation Drive at the Indian Institute of Crafts and Design (IICD), Jaipur. This initiative was a resounding success, thanks to the enthusiastic participation of students, faculty, staff, and members of the local community. Together, we have taken significant strides towards cultivating a greener and more sustainable campus environment.

Key Achievements:

  1. Increased Green Cover: Through the collective efforts of our participants, we have significantly increased the green cover on the campus. Hundreds of native trees have been planted, enhancing the beauty and biodiversity of our surroundings.
  2. Environmental Awareness: The Tree Plantation Drive served as a platform to raise awareness about the importance of tree conservation and environmental stewardship. Participants learned about the role of trees in mitigating climate change, improving air quality, and supporting local ecosystems.
  3. Community Engagement: The success of the drive was made possible by the active involvement of our community members. Students, faculty, and staff worked hand in hand with members of the local community to plant trees and contribute to our collective green vision.
  4. Long-Term Impact: The trees planted during the drive will have a lasting impact on our campus and the environment. As they grow and mature, they will provide shade, habitat for wildlife, and contribute to the overall well-being of our community.

Gratitude and Commitment:

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of the Tree Plantation Drive. Your dedication and commitment to environmental sustainability have made a meaningful difference in our campus and beyond. As we celebrate this achievement, let us reaffirm our commitment to nurturing and preserving our green legacy for generations to come.

In an attempt to tackle food waste at the Educational Institutions, we’ve implemented a vermicomposting program as part of our commitment to sustainability and waste reduction. This initiative allows us to manage food waste generated within the hostel premises effectively. We collect food scraps, leftovers, and other organic materials separately, diverting them from landfills. These materials are then introduced into specialized vermicomposting bins or systems, where earthworms work their magic. These remarkable creatures consume the organic waste, breaking it down into nutrient-rich compost through their natural digestive process. Over time, this compost becomes a valuable resource known as vermicompost, which is dark, crumbly, and teeming with essential nutrients and beneficial microorganisms. 

Further this compost is utilized to enrich the soil in the campus gardens, landscapes, and nearby agricultural areas, promoting healthy plant growth and soil fertility. Beyond its environmental benefits, our vermicomposting program also serves as an educational opportunity for the hostel residents to learn about waste reduction, composting, and environmental stewardship. By engaging the community in this sustainable practice, we foster a sense of collective responsibility and contribute to creating a greener, more sustainable future for all.

A sensitization workshop focused on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles was carried out in various educational instituitons. The workshop aimed to raise awareness and understanding among participants about the importance of aligning organizational strategies and practices with global sustainability objectives. Throughout the workshop, participants were introduced to the seventeen SDGs, which address a wide range of social, economic, and environmental challenges facing our world today. We explored how educational institutions can contribute to the achievement of these goals through their operations, policies, and initiatives. Additionally concept of ESG (Environment, Social & Governance) which encompasses environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and corporate governance practices. Participants gained insights into how integrating ESG considerations into business decision-making processes can drive long-term value creation, mitigate risks, and enhance stakeholder trust and confidence. 

Through interactive discussions, case studies, and practical exercises, participants were equipped with the knowledge and tools to integrate SDG and ESG principles into their organizational strategies and practices. By fostering a deeper understanding of sustainability issues and the role of educational institutes in addressing them, the workshop empowered participants to become agents of positive change within their respective organizations and communities.

An Organic Farming Educational Course was tailored and being implemented for higher education students who are passionate about sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship. This comprehensive program offers an in-depth exploration of organic farming principles, practices, and techniques, equipping students with the knowledge and skills needed to become leaders in the field of sustainable agriculture.

Course Overview:

  1. Foundations of Organic Farming: Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles and philosophy underlying organic farming, including soil health management, biodiversity conservation, and holistic farm management approaches.
  2. Crop Production Techniques: The course covers various organic crop production techniques, including crop rotation, companion planting, intercropping, and biological pest management. Students will learn how to cultivate a wide range of crops using sustainable and environmentally friendly methods.
  3. Soil Health and Nutrient Management: Students will explore the importance of soil health in organic farming and learn techniques for soil fertility enhancement, composting, vermicomposting, and organic nutrient management.
  4. Agroecology and Biodiversity: The course emphasizes the principles of agroecology and biodiversity conservation in organic farming systems. Students will learn how to design and manage agroecological landscapes that promote biodiversity, resilience, and ecosystem services.
  5. Farm Planning and Management: Students will develop skills in farm planning, design, and management, including crop rotation planning, farm-scale composting, water management, and organic certification requirements.
  6. Marketing and Economics of Organic Farming: The course also covers the marketing and economics of organic farming, including market trends, value-added product development, organic certification, and financial management for organic farms.


  • Hands-on Learning: The course incorporates hands-on learning experiences, farm visits, and practical demonstrations to reinforce theoretical concepts and enhance students’ practical skills.
  • Expert Instruction: Students will learn from experienced faculty members and industry experts with extensive knowledge and expertise in organic farming and sustainable agriculture.
  • Career Opportunities: Graduates of the program will be well-equipped to pursue careers in organic farming, agribusiness, agricultural extension, sustainable food systems, and environmental conservation.

Community Engagement: The course encourages community engagement and collaboration through partnerships with local organic farms, community gardens, and environmental organizations.

The Sustainable Environment Education Program, inspired by Mission Life, is a transformative initiative aimed at instilling environmental consciousness and fostering sustainable practices among participants. Rooted in the principles of sustainability, this program seeks to educate and empower individuals to become stewards of the environment and champions for change in their communities. Through a holistic approach to environmental education, participants will explore the interconnectedness of human activities and their impact on the planet, gaining insights into the importance of preserving natural resources and mitigating environmental degradation.

The program curriculum covers a diverse range of topics, including climate change, biodiversity conservation, waste management, renewable energy, and sustainable agriculture. Participants will engage in interactive workshops, hands-on activities, field trips, and collaborative projects designed to deepen their understanding of environmental issues and inspire action. By fostering critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills, the program empowers participants to develop innovative solutions to environmental challenges and contribute to building a more sustainable future.

Central to the SEEP is a focus on experiential learning and community engagement. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with local experts, environmental organizations, and community leaders, gaining valuable insights and perspectives on environmental stewardship. Through community-based projects and outreach initiatives, participants will apply their knowledge and skills to address environmental issues within their own communities, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility for creating positive change.

At its core, the SEEP is about inspiring and empowering individuals to become agents of change in their quest for a more sustainable and resilient world. By equipping participants with the knowledge, skills, and values needed to address environmental challenges, this program aims to cultivate a generation of environmental leaders who will lead the way towards a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

On the occasion of International Girl Child Day, we proudly organized a special celebration at Samarpan Seva Sansthan, Jaipur, focusing on the dual themes of environment and mental health. The event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of nurturing both the environment and mental well-being, particularly among young girls, fostering resilience and empowerment.

Event Highlights:

  1. Tree Plantation Drive: As a symbolic gesture of our commitment to environmental sustainability and the well-being of future generations, a tree plantation drive was organized at Samarpan Seva Sansthan. Participants, including young girls and community members, actively participated in planting saplings, contributing to the greening of our surroundings and the conservation of nature.
  2. Psychology Session on Mental Health and Resilience: In recognition of the unique challenges faced by young girls and the importance of mental well-being, a psychology session focusing on mental health and resilience was conducted. Expert psychologists and counselors facilitated discussions and interactive activities aimed at promoting mental health awareness, building resilience, and providing support to girl children in navigating life’s challenges.

Key Messages:

  • Environmental Stewardship: Through the tree plantation drive, participants were encouraged to embrace their role as stewards of the environment, recognizing the interconnectedness between human well-being and the health of the planet. Planting trees not only contributes to environmental conservation but also provides tangible benefits such as clean air, shade, and habitat for wildlife.

Mental Health Awareness: The psychology session emphasized the importance of mental health awareness and destigmatizing discussions surrounding mental well-being, particularly among young girls. Participants learned about coping strategies, stress management techniques, and the importance of seeking support when needed, promoting a culture of empathy, understanding, and resilience.

We are proud to announce the successful execution of our Plantation Drive as part of Mission Life, an initiative aimed at promoting environmental sustainability and community engagement. This drive took place across various schools in Jaipur, marking a significant step towards greener and healthier school environments.

Key Highlights:

  1. Community Participation: The Plantation Drive witnessed enthusiastic participation from students, teachers, parents, and volunteers, reflecting a shared commitment to environmental conservation and beautification of school premises.
  2. Tree Plantation: Hundreds of saplings were planted within school compounds, playgrounds, and surrounding areas, enhancing the green cover and biodiversity of school campuses. Native species were carefully selected to ensure compatibility with local climate and soil conditions.
  3. Environmental Education: The Plantation Drive provided an invaluable opportunity for students to learn about the importance of trees in mitigating climate change, improving air quality, and providing habitat for wildlife. Interactive sessions and educational workshops enriched students’ understanding of environmental issues and inspired them to become stewards of nature.
  4. Long-Term Sustainability: To ensure the success and sustainability of the plantation initiative, students were actively involved in the care and maintenance of newly planted saplings. They were encouraged to water, prune, and monitor the growth of trees, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility towards their environment.

Community Impact:

The Plantation Drive has had a profound impact on participating schools and the surrounding communities:

  • Beautification: The addition of greenery has enhanced the aesthetic appeal of school campuses, creating inviting and conducive learning environments for students and teachers alike.
  • Environmental Awareness: Through hands-on participation in tree planting activities and educational sessions, students have developed a deeper appreciation for nature and a heightened sense of environmental responsibility.
  • Ecosystem Benefits: The newly planted trees will provide numerous ecosystem services, including oxygen production, carbon sequestration, soil erosion control, and temperature regulation, contributing to the overall health and well-being of the local ecosystem.

Carrier orientation workshops focusing on green jobs provide invaluable guidance and insight to students across all academic streams, highlighting career opportunities that align with environmental sustainability and conservation efforts. These workshops aim to raise awareness about the growing demand for skilled professionals in various sectors dedicated to mitigating environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices.

The workshops cover a wide range of topics, including renewable energy, environmental conservation, waste management, sustainable agriculture, green construction, eco-tourism, and climate change adaptation. Through presentations, panel discussions, and interactive sessions, students gain a comprehensive understanding of the diverse career paths available in the green economy.

Key objectives of these workshops include:

  1. Exploration of Green Career Options: Students learn about the different sectors and job roles within the green economy, discovering how their skills and interests can be applied to address environmental challenges and contribute to sustainable development.
  2. Skill Development: Workshops provide insights into the specific skills and competencies required for green jobs, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary knowledge, technical expertise, and problem-solving abilities in fields such as renewable energy engineering, environmental science, sustainable resource management, and green technology innovation.
  3. Networking Opportunities: Students have the opportunity to interact with professionals working in various green industries, gaining valuable insights into industry trends, career pathways, and potential internship or job opportunities. Networking sessions allow students to build connections and establish contacts within the green job market.
  4. Career Planning and Resources: Workshops offer guidance on career planning, resume building, interview preparation, and job search strategies tailored to the green sector. Students receive information about relevant educational programs, certifications, and professional development opportunities to enhance their qualifications and marketability in green industries.
  5. Inspiration and Motivation: By showcasing success stories and real-world examples of individuals making a difference through green careers, workshops inspire students to pursue their passions and aspirations in environmental sustainability. Motivational speakers and alumni testimonials provide encouragement and empower students to envision themselves as future leaders in the green economy.

Through education, exploration, and engagement, these workshops empower students to become catalysts for positive change in their communities and the world at large.